Visit us on the Thursday evenings of November 14 and 21, from 5pm-8pm, to view the painting sessions for the Elements Chest as part of the Honouring Our Grandmothers Healing Journey project from artist, Nadine Spence. Featuring artist, Sara Ross, who will be on-site painting the carrier, this drop-in session allows for visitors to learn more about this heritage project and the participating artist. This project is a movement that brings together generations of indigenous people with other nationalities along the pacific northwest. The project endeavours to honour our Grandmothers lived experiences, stories, heritage, and legacies left for those of us to discover and share through storytelling, teachings, ceremony, and art.
Free. No Registration Required.
The Elements Chest was created with the combined talents of seven multicultural artists, ranging from carpenters, poets, and visual artists who have a historic relationship with Indigenous peoples. These chests will travel to different communities collecting written letters, photos, and tokens for the creator, ancestors, mother earth, grandmothers, and families. These offerings help people to give thanks, celebrate, honour, grieve, resolve trauma, and find peace with what was destroyed, lost, stolen, forgotten, taken, gone missing, or murdered in their lives. The Honouring Our Grandmothers Healing Journey will end with the messages being properly respected, laid to rest, and released in ceremony to the sky. The focus is on personal, family, and community healing journeys, which take strength, truth, and courage.